
Your Instructions Are Below

We’re so glad to have you here. Get started by filling out your Practice details in our short form so we can generate your unique practice code.

  1. Get Your Unique Code

Fill out your Practice details and where you’d like the applications sent. Then we will generate your unique code and email it to you within 24 hours.

2. Add Your Code to Any Job Ad or Give Directly to a Candidate

All you need is this url: https://online-apply.com and your unique code, in order to start receiving applications straight to your inbox as a PDF.

Some practice owners add the url and their code directly in the body of their job ad. Others don’t send this until they have reviewed an Indeed/resume submission and choose to send the candidate a text or email with the url and code directly instead.

Some do a mixture of both. This part is up to you!

3. Screen Candidates at Your Convenience

As you start receiving the applications to your email, you begin reading through them and call those that you wish to bring in for an interview. If you are not getting enough applicants, you need to tweak your ads. As a member you can book a one-time free consultation to get help on your ad for the position you need to fill.

(Reserved for Practice Owners/Spouse of Owner/Partners)

Know the Applicant - Demonstration

You can test the application out for yourself to see it from the applicant’s point of view.

  1. Go to the Know the Applicant demonstration form.

  2. Type in the pretend code “123”

  3. Fill out your name, email, and a made-up position.

  4. Click “Next” to browse through the application pages until you reach the final page.

  5. Click the Submit Application button at the bottom.

  6. You will then get an email with a PDF of the form you just submitted. (Allow a few minutes for the email to arrive in your inbox.)

    This is how it will look for you when an application is received. The applicant will get an acknowledgement that their application was submitted.

Questions, Comments, or Change Requests?

Happy Hiring!

If you are not getting many applicants each week, take advantage of a phone consultation with one of our consultants who is experienced in guiding Practice Owners to find A-Performers.

Reserved for Practice Owners/Spouse of Owner/Partners

Practice/Hiring Managers may book a consultation as long as the owner is joining the call.