ExecTech’s Management Consulting Program

ExecTech consulting helps you improve your practice and reach your professional goals, one step at a time. With one-on-one consulting, anything can be resolved including staff management difficulties, lack of well-paying new patients, legal risks, low profit, overwork and more.

Permanent improvement is more certain with ExecTech than with other practice-building programs because of its tailor-made approach. For each practice difficulty you encounter, ExecTech helps you locate and plan a solution that is right for you.

When you make steady progress with simple, direct steps, you make lasting changes. Most practice owners want an increase in profits as one of their consulting goals. As a result, ExecTech consultants are experts in profit building.

Five Ways to Increase Profits

When your personal income goes up, you feel more cheerful. You can improve the working conditions for your staff. You can provide the best possible care for your patients. You can increase your net income in five ways:

  1. Generate more new patients

  2. Raise fees

  3. Boost patient compliance and support

  4. Increase collections percentage

  5. Lower overhead

In meetings with your consultant, you constantly review these five factors. You find ways to increase profit as quickly and easily as possible.

For example, if you have more patients than you can handle and your overhead is running at 70%, your consulting would focus on your fees, collections and overhead breakdowns. One or more of those three factors would be the source of your low profit.

If your fees were average and collections were excellent, the problem would be with your overhead. Perhaps you and your consultant find your payroll is at $19,500 per month, but should be at $12,000 per month. In this case, your consultant might recommend you meet with your staff, explain how the practice needed to collect $78,000 per month to justify the payroll. You would go over specific steps each employee could do to bring down the payroll percentages.

Once collections and payroll were in range, you would reward your staff with cash. As a result, your staff members perform as they should. Your production and collections jump. Your payroll percentage drops to a good range. You feel proud of your staff.

As another example, you and your consultant find your over-the-counter collections are weak. Your consultant calculates your lax patient financial policies and procedures are cutting $6500 per month from your profit. Your consultant helps you write financial policies for patients as well as scripts and rules for staff. Your consultant shows you how to train your staff using written material, not verbal explaining. Within 24 hours, over-the-counter collections jump to a new level.

ExecTech consultants have dozens of solutions to help you correct and improve all five profit factors.

Read Our Guideline, 7 Steps to Becoming a Happier Wealthier Practice Owner ➡

How Would You Define the “Perfect" Consulting Company?


1. Goals:

The consulting company’s purpose would be to focus its efforts on your goals, not its own goals. It would also help you stay on track to reach those goals, despite those small, irritating problems that constantly pop up in any practice.

2. Unlimited Service:

Your consulting program would not limit you to a set number of hours, but would include all the time you needed from your consultant.

3. Reliable Support:

The company would give you fast, dependable telephone, e-mail or text communication to stay in touch, address your problems, answer your questions and help you in all emergencies.

4. Proven, Usable Solutions:

Your consulting firm would provide you with a large variety of proven solutions and systems from which you could choose those best for you.

5. New Skills:

You would master dozens of management tools and skills to effectively manage your patients, staff and business.

6. Implementation:

Finally, the ideal consulting program would also help you implement the changes, improvements and systems you need.

How ExecTech Operates


1. Goals:

Because our purpose is to help you reach your goals, we specialize in goal setting, planning and achievement. For example, we help you set your short- and long-term goals during your first consulting meeting. We then focus on helping you get what you want from your practice, despite the distractions, problems and opposition that always surfaces.

2. Program Flexibility:

ExecTech's program is structured differently than most other consulting companies. Rather than require you to spend between $50,000 and $100,000 and then commit to a one or two year program, ExecTech's program is month-to-month. There are a few very good reasons for this:

1)Not everyone needs a full year (or two) program.

2) As a result, offering a month-to-month program allows us to deliver more help to more practice owners. Some clients work with us for several years on a month to month basis as their practices continue to grow and they increase their practice goals or add more practices.

3. Reliable Support:

As an ExecTech client, you can send a text or email, or call your consultant at any time for any reason. If not immediately available, he or she will get back to you as soon as possible.

4. Proven, Usable Solutions:

At ExecTech, we have found one practice problem can have dozens of solutions. It's like shopping in a large clothing store. You select the solutions with the right material, best fit and appropriate cost for your practice.

5. New Skills:

ExecTech's program gives you management skills you need to earn more profit with less stress. As a result, you have more confidence to take on bigger challenges and achieve greater goals. Your new skills are yours to use for the rest of your career.

6. Implementation:

The greatest advantage of ExecTech’s one-on-one approach is successful implementation. Your consultant helps you determine your best strategy, provides you with plans, follows up, and persists.

This is our area of expertise.