The Book Every Practice Owner Should Read to Take Control of Their Practice and Create the Life They Deserve

Our newly launched book, “The Practice Owner” , is your no-BS guide to removing the obstacles that cause you stress, so you can take control of your practice and create the life you deserve.

Many “how to” books are based on theory.

“The Practice Owner” was written with decades of consulting experience, working 1:1 with healthcare practice across the US and even globally.

The methods within “The Practice Owner” are not theories. The data in this book has come from proven, workable solutions—the same methods we currently use with our clients.

What would be different about your practice if it was perfect?

What, if anything, about your practice makes you feel "stuck"?

Do you have trouble finding new staff members or associates who meet your qualifications?

Do you feel like you work long hours without actually getting ahead?

Do you try to make everyone else happy instead of doing what is right for you?

Does anyone criticize your ideas, goals, or decisions?

If any of these questions above struck home with you, you’re not alone. If you thought of an answer, or answered “sometimes” or “yes” to the above, you will benefit from the book. There is not much risk at just $10.

What Will a Morning Reading “The Practice Owner” Do For You and Your Practice?

  • Learn why earning a healthy profit isn’t just nice, but one of your most vital jobs as a practice owner. Reveal the 5 ways to earn more profit.

  • Understand the five sources of stress and methods to better deal with them, including 25 common stress points from staff, what to do about patients that cause stress and more.

  • Figure out your next level of success. What do you want out of your practice? Understand the four levels in your career that are necessary to reach maximum success.

  • Take a moment to really look at the 6 basic options for your endgame strategy and decide for yourself the path you want. Understand the 3 steps to Win Your Endgame. Get a reality check on your potential and what comes next for you based on your goals!