8 Dynamite Ways to Motivate Yourself

When you are motivated, you do a great job. You feel alert, energized and passionate. You make everyone around you feel alive!

As the one in charge, the job of motivating yourself is on your shoulders. The top dog has no master.

You may believe you need outside motivational sources. For example, seminar speakers or workshops can appear to be effective. But the results are temporary. Like a bath, you need one every day to keep motivated.

Financial necessity is also a limited motivational force. It works as long as someone or something is demanding that you make money, such as an emergency or a bill collector. However, once the pressure is off, you are no longer motivated. Fortunately, you can generate all the personal energy you need. In fact, we at ExecTech do not want to motivate you; we want to help you motivate yourself.

Here are 8 Dynamite Ways to Motivate Yourself:

1. Fire up your purpose to take care of people. Rededicate yourself to the well-being of your patients. Use your intelligence, skill and magic to knock their socks off.

Take a sincere interest in the person you are serving. View your practice as a machine for improving people’s lives, not as your source of income. Live, sleep and breathe your purpose to help others.

2. Set a huge goal for yourself. The best goals scare you. The idea of succeeding should give you a thrill.

Get a picture in your mind of the final accomplishment. Decide your success is certain.

Once you have your long-term goals in mind, ask yourself, "What must I do this month to make progress toward this goal?" Then take that step.

3. Reward yourself when you deserve it. If you reward yourself for being lazy, with two days of leisure, you do not get much done. However, if you give yourself two days of leisure IF you reach specific production goals, you move forward.

4. Make people happy. Tell jokes, make them smile, take an interest in their lives. Don’t underestimate the power of a kind word, an honest compliment or a sign that you care.

5. Imagine yourself working fast and furious. Get a mental picture of yourself getting things done as never before. See yourself persisting by blowing through tiredness and feelings of failure.

Then force yourself into action. Grab something to do and do it now. Build an unstoppable momentum.

6. Try something new and different. Eat a new type of food at a new restaurant. Visit a new city. Drive home on a new route. Find a new solution to an old problem. Try a new technique with a patient. Get out of a rut and enjoy some variety.

7. Each time you feel fired up, passionate or intense about your practice, write down what is causing this feeling. For example, you solved a difficult problem or you reached an important benchmark. If you always record these causes, you will soon have a valuable list to help you recover the feeling whenever you need it. This list helps you to perform at your best.

8. Focus on practice activities that you most enjoy. Ask yourself, "What could I do today that would give me the most pleasure while helping my practice?"

Are you opposed to a call with ExecTech to work out your practice and personal goals and the best path to reach them?


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